Dive: 16
Date & Time: 9/7/2009 9:04am
Location: Kwajalein Marshall Islands
Site: Cement Wreck
Dive type: Walk In
Weather: Sunny
Visibility: Very Clear
Air Temp: 87°F
Water Temp (max depth): 86°F
(end of dive): 87°F
Weight: 19.0lbs
Buddy: Mike Beynon, Michele Beynon, Ron Gamble, Peter Schulz
Dive Master: Ron Gamble
Boat Name:
Dive Operator:
Computer: Suunto Gekko
Diver: Suunto Diver
ID Number: 809432
Gas Model: Air
Sampling Rate: 30
Altitude Mode: A0
Personal Mode: P0
Oxygen Percent: 21%
Tank Size: 80 cu ft
Working Pressure: 3000 psi
Start Pressure: 3000 psi
End Pressure: 900 psi
Surface Air Consumption: 0.58 cfm
Cumulative Time: 0:09:22:30 d:h:m:s Since Dive 1
Surface Interval:
Duration: 0:00:41:30 d:h:m:s
Maximum Depth: 92.0 ft
Average Depth: 44.0 ft
Dive Gear
This was my Third dive towards my 'Advanced Diver' rating. It was a wreck dive. It is a wreck called the Cement Wreck. I have been told that it was a wooden boat loaded with cement bags that was going from Kwajalein to Ebey. The boat caught fire and sank just off shore ~150 yards or so. There is no wood left from either decay or from the fire. It looks like a bunch of pillows with coral growing all around. The fish seem to love it, the bags did not fall perfectly on top of each other, there are now passages for the fish and the creatures to swim in and out of, almost like little tunnels and caves through out the cement load. The diesel engine is about 6 - 8 feet away. Which is all that is left from the wreck. We saw a very large Manta Ray 8 - 10 foot span.
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