Dive: 37
Date & Time: 11/16/2009 9:31am
Location: Kwajalein Marshall Islands
Site: Palawan
Dive type: Boat Dive
Weather: Sunny
Visibility: excellent
Air Temp: 87°F
Water Temp (max depth): 86°F
(end of dive): 86°F
Weight: 19.0lbs
Buddy: Mark Dye, Francis Dye, Mike Beynon
Dive Master:
Boat Name: K63
Dive Operator: John O'Rourke
Computer: Suunto Gekko
Diver: Suunto Diver
ID Number: 809432
Gas Model: Air
Sampling Rate: 30
Altitude Mode: A0
Personal Mode: P0
Oxygen Percent: 21%
Tank Size: 80 cu ft
Working Pressure: 3000 psi
Start Pressure: 3000 psi
End Pressure: 2400 psi
Surface Air Consumption: 0.83 cfm
Cumulative Time: 0:22:53:00 d:h:m:s Since Dive 1
Surface Interval:
Duration: 0:00:09:00 d:h:m:s
Maximum Depth: 76.0 ft
Average Depth: 38.0 ft
Dive Gear
This was our second attempt at finding the Palawan. We found the spot (according to my new GPS ;-), not bad for a couple of MIT guys, right Mark?). Mark and Francis were the first two to go down. Mark and Francis said we were dead on, the marker (a trailer ball from a hitch, 150' of rope and an old buoy) was right on the bow of the wreck, but the currents were so strong that Mike and I had to reposition the boat four times while they were down on the wreck. When it was our turn, I repositioned the boat, and unknown to me; I caught the marker line and dragged it with one of our anchor lines. It took us about 5 minutes to gear up and in that time our B-boat had drifted off the coordinates by a couple hundred feet and dragged our marker off the wreck and onto the sandy bottom. When Mike and I got to 75' we noticed the tangle and the wreck was nowhere is sight. We ended the dive and came right up and then repositioned the boat for the next dive.
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